The Constant Challenge of Change

The Constant Challenge of Change

Change is both inevitable and challenging. The way we address change in our life can impact our mental health, and can lead to symptoms of depression and/or anxiety. Depression typically keeps us locked in the past; we regret decisions and actions, either those made,...
Summer Reset: Keeping Our Brain Sharp

Summer Reset: Keeping Our Brain Sharp

Keep Your Brain Sharp This Summer -Learn How With Dr. Beth Plachetka, LCSW EdD of Safe Harbor Counseling. Listen here and discover how to make the most of your summer for a sharper, healthier brain! 🔗 Ready to give your brain a boost this...
Flag Day- A Picture Says 1000 words

Flag Day- A Picture Says 1000 words

Celebrating Flag Day: A Reflection by Dr. Beth Plachetka Dr. Beth Plachetka of Safe Harbor Counseling shares a heartfelt story about discovering the significance of Flag Day on the day her son Mike was born. Although she always loved her country, she admits she didn’t...
Understanding the Three Stages of Fatherhood for Father’s Day

Understanding the Three Stages of Fatherhood for Father’s Day

When celebrating Father’s Day, which falls on the third Sunday of June each year, it’s important to understand the three stages of fatherhood: ‘That’s MY Dad’, ‘That Dad’, and ‘What Do You Think, Dad?’. “The first stage of fatherhood is ‘That’s MY Dad’,” explained Dr....
Maintain Your Identity While Managing Motherhood

Maintain Your Identity While Managing Motherhood

It’s been said that “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” “When you consider the many ever-changing roles of motherhood, it’s easy to identify the stressors that can consume a mother’s days,” explained Dr. Beth Plachetka, LCSW, EdD of Safe Harbor...
Life Lessons from the Field

Life Lessons from the Field

My mother’s father, my beloved grandfather, was a farmer. He spent long, reverent days planting seed with the conviction that life would arise from the Illinois mud. A quiet man by nature, his focus was honoring God, the needs of his family, and the seasons. The field...
Lent: a Time for Intentional Change

Lent: a Time for Intentional Change

Life offers many opportunities for change. New Year’s Eve and birthdays provide opportunities to make external changes. Lent, on the other hand, encourages intentional self-reflection for internal growth. “Four areas to consider for intentional growth during Lent...